Based on our belief in the importance of Education in Syrian file considering its one of the most important strategic priorities, Ghiras Al-Nahada has supported the education sector through several projects which secure equal educational opportunities for boys and girls, where we provided schools and educational centers with furniture and equipment and rehabilitation works, and provided students with educational kits. Furthermore, we supported teachers and educational staff with training.
Ghiras Al-Nahda strives with steady steps to secure safe access for children and educational staff to schools, in addition to increasing the quality of learning through various activities and enhancing the capacity of the educational system in the best way in spite of the harsh and difficult conditions of war.
The project targeted 7 schools in Dana and Atareb (Idleb and Aleppo governorates), and consisted of 2 phases as follows:
Academic year phase: This includes rehabilitation for schools and providing them with needed furniture in addition to the solar energy system and safety and security equipment. This has increased the schools’ capacity and a number of students. At the beginning of the academic year, the schools will accommodate around 6176 students where Ghiras Al-Nahda will provide them with operational costs, as well as conduct ASER exams to help plan and prepare a better level of education based on test results and evaluate the intervention on the same time. Students will be provided with the age and gender-sensitive education kits and they will have security training and awareness-raising on the danger of explosives, also, teachers and education staff will be provided with monthly incentives covering 5 months.
Provision of non-formal education for 7 schools in Atareb and Dana for students who are out of school, 6060 children will be targeted in these remedial classes and the awareness-raising campaigns on the importance of education. In addition to providing education supplies (stationery, textbooks) and recreational activities which are key to motivate them to attend school especially in the summer. Teachers and educational staff will be supported with monthly incentives as well.
3001 boys and girls benefited from remedial summer classes. 45% of children are IDPs, with 50 Children with special needs (physical, psychosocial, and mental), 111 of students were out of school. Classes included Arabic language, English, Math classes, and recreational activities; students took the ACER exam in order to evaluate their level and their progress.
Recreational activities improve children’s social skills, and they enhance their sense of belonging. Students interact with their friends, learn to respect their wishes and have team spirit, and give them the opportunity to cooperate and respect each other. In this context, a football match was held in a school through which they learned how to play as a team and how to accept the loss and strive for success.
The project was implemented in coordination and partnership with Ihsan and BINAA organizations. A total number of beneficiaries reached 34,583 (32% IDPs) in 4 subdistricts (Mara, Jabal Saman, Albab, Harim).
Ghiras Al-Nahda provided 80 educational staff with incentives for 4 months and conducted ACER exam for 10% of students in 3 schools, in addition to distributing 2173 educational kits and 104 teaching kits, and providing 3 schools with furniture which increased school capacity to receive more students.
The 3 schools were provided with WASH facilities rehabilitation and safety and security equipment in addition to heating fuel for 2 months.
One of the most prominent projects of Ghiras Al-Nahda which aim to preserve the sustainability of the educational process and support for educational staff in general. The project provided rehabilitation for education directorate offices and educational complexes in addition to the necessary equipment for managing and organizing the educational process and maintenance for offices.
The education directorate works to organize the work of educational complexes and public schools in Eastern Ghouta and control the quality of educational and administrative staff work. In addition, it organizes the teaching process through controlling education affairs including curricula and attendance hours. The directorate coordinate with all educational committees and councils in the intern government in Eastern Ghouta, it was established in 2014 supervised by a number of educational expertise which works hard to lead and organize the educational process in Eastern Ghouta.
139 schools benefited from the project including 2978 teachers and educational staff and 3963 students.
Ghiras Al-Nahda supported Amal Group which is a group of schools and curricula development centers in Eastern Ghouta.
Specialized staff in each group prepare qualitative curricula to achieve many educational goals. 2,000 children, 9 schools and 200 teachers benefited from this project in 2016.
In 2016, in order to improve the educational process, Ghiras Al-Nahda conducted training for 4 days to 75 educational staff and teachers who don’t have previous experience or didn’t receive any previous training.
In order to improve the education situation and raise awareness on the importance of reading and writing and encourage children to read, Ghiras Al-Nahda established a library for children close to several schools to achieve the above objective.
With the beginning of the second semester of 2014-2015 academic year, the actual work to establish the library began, the library and its activities were activated, and most plans were moved from the planning stage to the implementation stage, and new projects were added to (read) class, which was approved weekly as a systematic class for students.
Since the traditional Syrian curriculum does not meet the educational need, nor develop the students’ skills and capabilities, steps had to be taken to build the Renaissance generation.
Work began in 2013 with general lectures on the educational revolution, the philosophy of science and the goals of education, and then these workshops were developed into specialized workshops.
Qualitative scientific preparation workshops started at the beginning of summer 2014 and work was divided into three axes:
1- Academic Curriculum “Scientific”
2- Emotional Curriculum “Planting Values”
3- Enrichment Curriculum “Alnafsu Harakia”