Ghiras Al-Nahda and through its food security programs work to improve the food security situation through food items distribution, relief kitchens, and seasonal campaigns in addition to agricultural programs, livestock programs, and livelihood programs that contribute to achieving self-sufficiency and secure job opportunities for the affected population.
Below some of our FSL projects since 2011
The project aims to provide emergency response to save newly displaced people through the provision of food baskets which include food cans and ready to eat items for 957 families for 4 times in Maar Tamsrin. Each basket covers a family need for 5 days. In addition to the distribution of E-vouchers for 1061 families in Kafr Takharim and Salqin for 3 months. These vouchers enable them from purchasing food items, meat and chicken, Diary products, and vegetables from a number of grocery stores in the area which contracted with Ghiras Al-Nahda. The e-voucher modality preserves the family’s dignity and ensures a high level of documentation.
The project started in May 2020 and will continue until the end of August 2020.
Partner: UN
In order to provide humanitarian assistance in Afrin, Aleppo countryside, Ghiras Al-Nahda implemented E-voucher for food project using E-voucher modality where beneficiaries can purchase their food supplies via a smart voucher card that will be charged with 50$ on monthly basis and can be used in a number of stores and shops that contracted with the project.
Our main goal was maintaining beneficiaries’ dignity, and provide them with the freedom to choose between 50 different food items including fresh meat and vegetables. This modality has limited beneficiaries’ ability to sell food baskets and the long waiting period at relief distribution centers as they are not obliged to a specific time and they can spend the card at any time to buy what they need during the month. 1250 families benefited from the project (900 IDP families from Rural Damascus and Rural Hums, and 350 families from the host community).
Partner: HF
The project was built to provide two pregnant sheep for families which were preselected and evaluated to benefit from the project, then providing these families with fodder which will cover three months, during these three months, a veterinarian will visit the beneficiariesa and examine the sheep and provides appropriate instructions for their condition.
450 pregnant sheep were distributed with their fodder in Aleppo, Idleb, and Hama. In addition, cows were raised in eastern Ghouta and Idleb. 226 families benefited from the project in Northern Syria.
Partner: Global Communities
Ghiras Al-Nahda in partnership with ACU implemented the first vegetable drying and kiosk making project in 2015 in Eastern Ghouta. Then in 2016, Ghiras Al-Nahda implemented the same project with HF fund on two phases:
Phase one included the cultivation of summer vegetables, providing job opportunities for a number of workers in agriculture and harvesting in addition to landlords. Where Ghiras Al-Nahda provided agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and equipment to 300 dunums in six besieged towns in Damascus countryside (Eastern Ghouta, Al-Rahiba, Girud, Al-Hama, Damascus, and Western Ghouta) which has a direct impact on farms and its production of different dryable vegetables.
The second phase depended on housewives and some workers to dry summer crops, where women from the community dried vegetables and then prepared them into baskets, each basket weighted 10 KG and they were distributed to 8000 families in different areas and job opportunities were provided for 150 people.
It’s worth mentioning that scientific research projects have been utilized by applying the idea of growing mushrooms in-home farming projects.
Partner: ACU, HF
Funded by HF in partnership with Qatar Red Crescent, the project provided inputs and supplies for farming vegetables in homes balconies, gardens, and rooftops in Damascus countryside where inputs and supplies were provided for 3687 households. Each household planted 30 square meters of vegetables in their homes which helped decrease the local market prices. The project covered winter and summer seasons where vegetable production coincided with Ramadan holy month in 2016 which promoted solidarity between families and the idea of exchanging surplus quantities of vegetables between each other. The project encouraged people to strive for self-sufficiency.
Partner: Qatar Red Crescent
Eastern Ghouta was under siege for more than 3 years before the beginning of the project, therefore, Ghiras Al-Nahda worked hard to break the siege from within through establishing projects in Ghouta, and considering the nature of agricultural land there, the organization implemented wheat and seasonal crops cultivation projects including corn cultivation as corn is considered a good food and can benefit residents in making different healthy meals as alternative for wheat.
With the end of the project, about 2.5 tons of corn and 15 job opportunities were secured, and the number of actual beneficiaries reached 2000 people
A project for raising cows and sheep with the aim of providing milk and meat products at reasonable prices in addition to providing job opportunities. The profits were used to redevelop the project and support the affected families in the project areas. 31 cows and 39 sheep were raised in Western Ghouta, Al-Qaboun, and Al-Qalamoun, and milk production reached 13,277kg, benefiting around 300 families in Al-Rahiba area.
Partner: GIZ
In 2014, Ghiras Al-Nahda supported Wheat cultivation projects in eastern Ghouta, Muadamya and Darya areas which helped obtain flour and run dried kiosk production project in addition to purchasing summer vegetables and running a small project to dry vegetables. And thus, Ghiras Al-Nahda produced its food basket based on the production of the three projects (flour, kiosk, dry vegetables), and sold the food baskets with supported price in coordination with donor organizations. 3300 families benefited from the projects. Ghiras Al-Nahda managed to fund to support the wheat cultivation project for another season.
Ghiras Al-Nahda achieved the first model for a full production cycle on Rif Damascus level and an example of what the people of Ghouta and the besieged areas can do to reach self-sufficiency in food security and make a living while getting their daily food from local production without relying on relief aid.
Considering the continuous shelling and siege that beheld the area imposed by the regime as it prevented all access to food items, there was a need for alternative solution so the area meet its needs, therefore, a new project was planned to purchase cows and use its milk to produce necessary food items which will return with profit for the area.
The project provided food items with affordable prices and generated job opportunities and achieved self-sufficiency.
The profit that was generated by the project was used to open a new project in the area for martyrs and detainees’ wives, the project was called “Khairat Al Qalamun” which included producing food supplies such as dairy and cheese and selling them in the supermarket that is supported by Ghiras Al-Nahda. In addition, a new wheat cultivation project was opened using the dairy project profits, in the amount of SYP 50,000.