Campaign Started on Jan 28.2022

Ghiras Humanitarian Campaigns

Every Donation count

A Pencil for Hope

$1,600 of $108,000 raised
Plus an additional to cover gateway fees.
Personal Info

Credit Card Info

Donation Total: $100.00

You can support the campaign by donating 100$ to sponsor a student for a school term, or any amount you want.

The funds will cover establishing the educational facilities, providing educational supplies, and offering health services to students.

Children are often the most affected during wars. Most of them lose their chance of getting sufficient education primarily because of the difficult financial situation their families find themselves in, where children must work to support their families during times of fear and uncertainty.

Day by day, the deteriorating situation in Northeastern Syria makes even more difficult for children to have access for education. As Assad continues to bomb the cities and villages, families fear for the lives of their children and restrain from sending them to schools. As they continue to flee fearing for their lives, educational institutions often become farther from them, making a difficult situation worse.


Campaign Key Objectives:

Our aim is to establish educational facilities within remote camps to provide safe and accessible learning facilities and offer suitable education for children.

Campaign Packages: 

You can support the campaign by donating 100$ to sponsor a student for a school term. The funds will cover for establishing the educational facilities, providing educational supplies, and offering health services to students.

Target Beneficiaries: 

Girls and boys of age 6 – 10 years.

Area of implementation:

Northern Syria – Northern Idlib Suburb camps.

Projected outcome

  • Establish an educational facility including:
    1. 4 thermally isolated tents with doors and windows.
    2. Concrete floor and fencing for the entire facility.
    3. Male and Female Washrooms.
    4. Student desks and teacher boards.
    5. Heating system and supplies.
    6. Solar power system to save on lighting.
  • Provide compensation for teachers and the principal for 4 months.
  • Provide operational expenses for 4 months.
  • Offer formal and informal education to 160 students.

Main reasons children opt out of school

  1. Children often need to work and support their families.
  2. Early marriage.
  3. Parents fear for the lives of their children due to bombings.
  4. Educational facilities are often far from the camps.
  5. Some roads are unsafe due to incidents of kidnapping.

Main challenges for the education sector in Northeastern Syria

  1. Nonexistence of the educational institutions in most camps, and the lack of capacity within the few existing ones.
  2. Most teachers work as unpaid volunteers with no compensation.
  3. Lack of operational funds to cover for education supplies, stationary and drinking water within the educational institutions.
  4. Educational facilities are always being targeting and bombed by Assad.