For the tenth year in a row, Ghiras Al-Nahda launches Ghiras Ramadan Campaign during the blessed month of Ramadan (2022) to support families in Northern Syria and provide aid to the most vulnerable groups in addition to the families of martyrs and orphaned children who endure great suffering in refugee camps.
Humanitarian situation in Northwest Syria:
For over 10 years, the humanitarian crisis in Northern Syria continues to be one of the largest in the world. The local economy continues to decline leading to currency depreciation, price inflation on all basic goods, higher unemployment rate and increase in personal debt for most people. This is coupled with the adverse effects of COVID-19 pandemic which continue to affect many countries around the world.
More than 3 million people in Northwest Syria are still in need of urgent humanitarian aid, especially those living in over 1,400 refugee camps which host around 1.72 million people, 80% of whom are women and children.
Statistics indicate that families headed by women, elderly and people with disabilities are still the most affected, since children are forced to drop out of school and work at an early age to provide for their families.
85% of the population depend on borrowing to fulfill basic expenses, while 60% suffer from food insecurity. Dwarfism has increased to 4%, acute malnutrition rates have risen to 29%, while moderate malnutrition has reached 45%. These rates are considered very high and continue to increase year by year.
For PAYPAL Donations
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